Restaurants and Bar Hotels Offices Sport and Fitness Child stories Supermarkets Wellnes and spa Fashion stories Medical Toalets
Mirisne marketinške arome proizvode se od najkvalitetnijih sirovina. Arome su razvili najbolji francuski parfimeri i ispunjavaju sve najnovije evropske zakone i propise.
Marketing mirisa utiče na ponašanje. Stvara lepo raspoloženje, trenutke i jedinstvene uspomene. Marketing mirisa označava pozitivan uticaj na čula.
Željena aroma
Možemo dobiti arome za svaki željeni ambijent. Od maloprodajnih objekata do hotela i medicinskih instituta. Zadovoljstvo nam je da vam pružimo savete o primeni mirisa.
Restaurants and Bar
- Anti-tobbaco
- Apple pie & spice
- Apricot ginger tea
- Bitter almond
- Black cherry
- Brandy apple
- Cheesecake
- Chocolate
- Dulce de leche
- Fresh baked bread
- Peach
- Pina colada
- Vanilla caramel
- White champagne
- Calypso
- Cyclades
- Egyptian cotton
- Hermes
- Hotel clean & fresh
- Jewel of the Nile
- Martines
- Marvellous musk
- Pine
- Bohemia
- Calypso
- Evexia
- Hotel clean & fresh
- Jewel of the Nile
Sport and Fitness
- Acapulco heat
- Amorous
- Carribean sun
- Grapes
- Mango delight
- Verbena
Child stories
- Baby powder
- Bubble gum
- Fried ice cream
- Hayride
- Brandy apple
- Fresh baked bread
- Fried ice cream
- Ghana mango
- Grapes
- Mango original
- Melon fresh
- Peach
- Strawberry daquiry
Wellnes and spa
- Floral
- Relax aromatherapy
- Risque aromatherapy
- Pine
- Verbena
- Vitality air
- White flowers
Fashion stories
- Aber crobie
- Angel
- Apricot ginger tea
- Black cherry
- Colonial
- Egyptian cotton
- Glamour
- Hermes
- Jewel of the Nile
- Mango delight
- Million
- Obesession
- Pathos
- Tom F.B.O.
- Tom F.O.W.
- Tom F.T.V.
- Calypso
- Cyclades
- Carribean sun
- Pine
- Verbena
- Alps WC
- Oasis WC
- Tender WC
- Vanilla WC
- White bouquet WC
- Wild cherry WC